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It is so exciting to look forward to a world of 3D printed cars, given that there is a lot of dependence on suppliers. This will disrupt the supply chain industry, and focus will shift towards designers and customized cars that cater to each customer requirement (just as in case of shoes). However, a critical issue here is, how close to a consumer can these facilities be set up? How feasible and scalable is this solution? And where will the suppliers go?

SigTuple is trying to solve an interesting problem in the Indian healthcare context. I like the idea of digitizing the slides, but given the poor quality of infrastructure and training in India, who will control the quality of slides being prepared? How will SigTuple ensure that the remotely collected slides confer to the basic quality requirements? I am alluding to the data being fed to the intelligent systems here, and that is really an issue to be thought about while looking at a scalable solution.

On November 15, 2018, panda commented on Microsoft – Increasing productivity through Smart Buildings :

You raise a very valid point on the standardization of the IoT devices across the globe. The data is currently available in different format across devices and this may create issues in collating the data seamlessly. I belive that we need a common language that could be applied to the IoT world (such as Windows OS) to talk to each other irrespective of the region and context they operate in. This will help it to be consistent across borders.

The fact that Einstein had negative reviews in the beginning brings about a big vulnerability and risk of AI and ML systems. These systems, in the nascent stage can throw out some unintended results, and these results can create a consumer sentiment that can have long lasting negative effects to the brand value of the product. On the other hand, AI / ML based systems get better with more data being fed to them, and rolling out to several clients enhances the capabilities. Salesforce should figure out this fine balance to ensure a solid brand perception for the product.

On November 14, 2018, panda commented on Printing the Future of Athletic Shoes at Adidas :

Manufacturing customized shoes does sound very interesting, but how feasible is this technology for a $50-$100 shoe that people typically buy? Would that be fast enough, and how can Adidas convince a consumer that the 3D printed shoe will work as great as a conventionally manufactured one? I believe that the problem going ahead is going to be more around positioning this idea to the consumer than the operational feasibility.

Interesting to see the tremendous growth in revenues through the AI based tools. However, my guess is that skin care is something that customers would want to try on actually (and not only virtually). Here, the AI / ML capabilities hit a fundamental hurdle, and that’s where the retail experience at stores can fill in this gap. I think removing the retail stores may not be a great idea due to the tactile nature of the product, but there is definitely some room to augment retail stores more compact.