Olivia Davis

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On November 15, 2018, Olivia Davis commented on Chanel’s Foray Into 3D Printing :

Great Article! I believe 3D printing has a huge potential for luxury products in terms of operational efficiency, however I believe that we are still far from unlocking its true potential. In my opinion there is still a great barrier in term of quality to be overcome, specially if we are dealing with an industry that relies on the materials property to create value (e.g. how a fabric adapts to a body) and plays in a industry that innovation is necessary to maintain competitive advantage (e.e. sustainable fashion, etc). I believe that 3D will bring a new challenge for Channel: the tradeoff between innovation in production and innovation in design. In a industry where innovation in design plays a big role, 3D printing impact will be limited in the near term.

On November 15, 2018, Olivia Davis commented on The Growing Market for Identifying Fake IDs :

I am a bit more skeptical of that we will no be using phisical documentation in the next 10 years.
I believe that we will have technological advancements that will allow other types of identifications but making a shift from physical to digital requires mass investment ans infrastructure. Take the passport case: We would need to ensure that every customs in the worlds has the compatible system that recognizes this new source of identification and its database of the past visits in other countries. Not only that, you need to ensure that all have digital infrastructure to access the online database in real time. I cannot imagine most third world countries being able to adopt such technology in 10 years making the implementation of this project not viable. The problem with IDs is that adoption needs to be universal and therefore takes more time to make implementation feasible.

Great article Ali!
I agree that SoundCloud has no competitive advantage compared with other players in the industry and I`m skeptical about the value that open innovation can bring to the platform. The change of business model to subscription changed the value proposition and vision of being the Youtube of sound and shifted their position to a direct competitor to streaming giants such as Spotify and Apple Music. I believe that open innovation in this case generate great ideas that are incremental to the business rather than disruptive. In addition, the outputs from those ideas usually dismisses the capabilities and competitive advantage of the company to execute the proposed projects . In SoundCloud`s case, disruptive innovation may be the only way to preposition themselves in the market and therefore I believe the open innovation may not add value to the sustainability of the business.

Great article! To your question about constrains and open innovation as a enabler, I believe that even though there are several benefits in using crowd-sourcing as an innovation driver, I believe that innovation, in this case, can be somewhat limited. Open innovation can generate a lot of new insights and good ideas that increment the company and product strengths but rarely produces disruptive changes insights to true innovative processes/products.

Example of crowd-sourcing limitations: https://hbr.org/2016/12/a-case-study-of-crowdsourcing-gone-wrong

Great article! Difficulties in talent acquisition in technology has been one of the main problems the industry faces today.
Companies that invest in technology as a enabler, or as part of the operation have difficulties in attract talent overall. The strong value proposition and mission alignment of the big players in tech makes it even harder to compete for talent. Those companies often offer a strong compensation with a tech culture that is extremely valued for the professionals. Even though Alibaba invest in talent acquisition, they still have a long way to go to adapt the culture, create a strong mission and build a attractive career path attractive to tech professionals.

On November 15, 2018, Olivia Davis commented on Breaking the Molds: 3D-Printing and The Future of Shoemaking :

I agree with the comments above that 100% personalized products are unlikely in the near term. 3D printing has still a long way to go in terms of meeting quality standards vs traditional manufacturing in order to focus in customization. The layering method of production results in a few extra working steps to make the product look high end enough for commercialization of the product. In addition, there 3D printing process have considerable effects in smoothness of the product.
In sum, I believe that there is much development to 3D printing to make this production customer ready, once they have this problem figured out, customization becomes more feasible.